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A member registered Jul 12, 2021

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Thanks man, the title was my idea, after drawing the player, I realized he looked like an egg, and both CyborgAtlas and I liked the idea of "The Eggsorcist". Glad you liked our game!

I was wondering about that. Maybe you could even let the player pick the game instead of having a linear order, that would make the puzzles more dynamic, and you could have a minimap of all the different layouts so they know what they're getting into

What a fun game! Maybe you could add some way to know what the next level will look like? Because there are a lot of blind jumps atm. This is the first game I finished playing from this jam, and the art is awesome! Great work!

What a fun game! Maybe you could add some way to know what the next level will look like? Because there are a lot of blind jumps atm. This is the first game I finished playing from this jam, and the art is awesome! Great work!